Home - Home Appliances, Tools and Household Goods - Large Home Appliances - Refrigerators - SNAIGE - Ref with top freezer, 172.5x63х56, ref-201L, freez-57L, 2doors, A++, ST, retro, black-cooper

SNAIGE Ref with top freezer, 172.5x63х56, ref-201L, freez-57L, 2doors, A++, ST, retro, black-cooper

The Snaige FR27SM-PRJC0E refrigerator with a top freezer is a stylish and efficient home appliance designed for storing food items. Its retro design combined with the black and copper color scheme not only adds functionality but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen. The Snaige FR27SM-PRJC0E refrigerator with a top freezer and retro design is suitable for any kitchen. It ensures reliable food storage with low energy consumption. The Snaige FR27SM-PRJC0E refrigerator with a top freezer is an efficient and stylish appliance with a retro design that offers reliable food storage and creates an aesthetically appealing presence in your kitchen.
Energy efficiency class
20110 UAH*
out of stock
Where to buy SNAIGE Ref with top freezer, 172.5x63х56, ref-201L, freez-57L, 2doors, A++, ST, retro, black-cooper: 
Холодильник Snaige з верхн. мороз., 172.5x63х56, холод.відд.-201л, мороз.відд.-57л, 2дв., A++, ST, retro, чорний-мідь (FR27SM-PRJC0E)
Snaige FR27SM-PRJC0E
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